There are two independent legal entities: public vision GmbH (TV & Video) and public vision MEDIEN (Print & Digital).
  • EB-Teams
  • Medientraining
  • Corporate-Publishing-Schulung
  • Broschüren & Kataloge
  • E-Magazin & Newsletter
  • Coaching
  • TV-Produktion
  • Mitarbeitermagazin
  • Digital & Print
  • Seminare & Coaching
  • Kundenmagazin
  • Videoproduktion
  • Geschäfts- & Nachhaltigkeitsbericht
  • Videojournalismus


Would you like to take a look at who we've already worked for? In more than eighteen years in the moving images sector and more than fifteen years in corporate publishing, public vision and public vision MEDIEN have supported a large number of TV broadcasting companies in Düsseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia and over 90 companies in different industries.

Have a look at what our customers say about us – or browse our list of references.And we would of course be delighted to get to know you personally, so please give us call.